Frequent Recurrence to Fundamental Principles
State of North Carolina v. Isaac Hutchison Birch
Macon County, NC | Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
Below Isaac Hutchison Birch, NCAR Secretary of State, provides an update and commentary regarding his case now before the United States Supreme Court. Read the article in its entirety on his blog,
The Declaration of Rights of the State of North-Carolina, de jure, contains a particular section which states the following: Sect. 21. That a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. What are the fundamental principles absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty? That all men are endowed by the Creator; the Author and Proprietor of All Things with certain rights that are unalienable; something that is impossible to take away, or to give up. It has been said that liberty falls into this category.
Do we truly possess such a thing any longer? This is not a question of relativity, or one of comparison. Besides, most of us have limited to no first-hand knowledge regarding the 'level of liberty' in other parts of the world. So, are we free from restraint? I say we are not, but that we are lead to believe the restraints upon us are "expedient for the public". Is it "expedient for the public" to have a monetary system in which debt is money; that in order to pay off debt you must pay with more debt? Is it"expedient for the public" to conduct false flag operations, such as Tonkin Gulf, to sway the public into engaging in an unjust wars costing 10's of thousands of lives and billion of dollars, which equate to Wall Street profits? Is it "expedient for the public" to make corporate profits the number one priority; to ensure that antiquated technologies and market shares hold and maintain their social economic prominence for the continued profit of a handful of individuals? Is it"expedient for the public" that the constitutional balance between the National Government and the States is in a condition of usurpation, that the very fabric of the constitutional principles of federalism are compromised?
On 31 August 2011, THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPREME COURT, de facto, demonstrated that the usurpation and overthrow of fundamental principles is "expedient for the public" having granted the STATE'S MOTION TO DISMISS DEFENDANT'S NOTICE OF APPEAL. Based upon 'claimed' procedural errors. Once again the de facto STATE has demonstrated its willingness to ignore Law and the fundamental principles of American Jurisprudence and to take up the mantel of AVOIDANCE and the CHILLING EFFECT. They have boldly held up a sign stating, "YOU WILL GET NO JUSTICE HERE, WE CARE NOT FOR DUE PROCESS OF LAW". The highest court in the de facto STATE has chosen to give aid and support to the overthrow of law by ignoring a case of significant public interest; a case upon which rests the most substantial constitutional question in the history of this American union: Does the United States Congress have the enumerated powers to annul states in times of peace; does Congress have absolute power; unrestrained and autocratic; is Congress superior to the People, and the States which created it? Is that what was intended by the founders??? No, absolutely not!!!
I have exhausted my remedies within the 'State' level and now my only recourse is to seek the shelter of the judicial bulwark which is the United States Supreme Court. I will be filing a petition for a Writ of Certiorari with that Court. The United States Supreme Court takes up approximately 1.2% of the 8k+ petitions filed, however it is my hope that, in light of the recent BOND v. US decision, the Court will recognize the significance of the questions presented and take on the case. This will be no simple task, but I must try, and even if I fail with this attempt, I will not relent, for we cannot, and must not, surrender the birthright granted us by the Self-Existing Creator and our fathers before us.
Isaac Hutchison Birch,
NCAR Secretary of State