Update on NCAR Citizen, Mandie Rose
On Monday, August 29, 2011 NCAR citizen Mandie Rose was placed under arrest for making a motion of appeal in Forsyth County district court. Her appearance in court was made solely to challenge the lawfulness of the de facto state of North Carolina; an argument that is rooted in the assertion of rights by state citizens, and the reclamation of state sovereignty by challenging the constitutionality of the Reconstruction Acts.
Minor issues such as traffic infractions and licensure (and the like) are all vehicles by which we can get our argument into the judicial system. Where many would simply pay the fine, hire a lawyer, or renew the license, it is the responsibility and duty of a state citizen to research and understand his or her rights, and then to challenge any "law" which would seek to infringe upon them. Brave citizens, like Mandie, are starting to wake up, rise up, and demand that the state prove its lawfulness. Sadly we find, in situations such as these, that the very halls which were built upon the foundation of justice and honor, have none. This country, which was once one of laws, not of men, no longer affords the protective parameters of the constitution which were set forth by the founders.
In this video Mandie gives a first hand account of her experience in court, in jail, and articulates the importance of asserting our rights as state citizens in order that we may secure liberty for ourselves, and our posterity.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the North-Carolina American Republic, and the legal arguments that we bring forth, the NCAR fights for constitutional state sovereignty by challenging the constitutionality of the Reconstruction Acts of 1868 which overthrew lawful state governments, nationalized citizenship, and put into place a new body politic which is still in control today. For more information about this lawful and historically based challenge, visit the learn section of this website.
How You Can Help
We need citizens. If you are interested in claiming your status as a state citizen, please contact a North-Carolina American Republic representative and request a Citizenship Packet. This will give you the information and tools you need to start asserting your rights, instead of begging for them.
- We need officers. If you are already a state citizen, consider running for office in the upcoming elections. Contact current Chief Magistrate, John Ainsworth for more information.
- We need active participation. The NCAR holds regular monthly meetings, and there are multiple court cases on the calendar - all of which are open to the public. Whether you're a citizen or not, your participation and support of our efforts is crucial to our success in restoring liberty and sovereignty to our state. Make plans to attend one of our meetings, or come witness a court appearance by one of our citizens.
- We need your financial support. Individual citizens devote a tremendous amount of time, energy, and resources when they take this into court. It's not an easy task, nor is it an inexpensive one. If you're interested in supporting monetarily, visit this link to donate via PayPal, or contact treasury@ncrepublic.org for other payment methods.
- Help us spread the word. Please share this information with your family and friends, and show your support for the restoration of liberty to this state and her citizens. Subscribe to our newsletter, share our YouTube videos, and find us on Facebook - these are all great ways to help get the word out.
This counter-revolution is truly at the grassroots level, and it will continue to swell and gain momentum as individuals help us carry this banner.